Some of the initial barriers that we were getting hung up on with the internal audit and compliance representatives could then be broken down. 某些我们最初在内部审计和依从代表方面所遇到的障碍都将迎刃而解。
Mr McDonough says initial feedback from the inspections suggests the tone at the top of the firms, about the importance of quality audit, is filtering down to middle and junior ranks. 麦克唐纳先生表示,审查的初步反馈表明,那些事务所最高层的有关高质量审计的重要性的言论,正逐级下达到事务所中下层人员那里。
Initial Audit We collect objective evidences to prove the effectiveness of the quality system on the basis of the audit programme confirmed by the applicants. 按照与申请人确认的审核计划,收集客观证据验证质量体系运行的有效性。
Initial audit will be announced audit. 初步审计将公布审计。
Initial audit of new organization 对新单位的初次审计
How to keep the independent of the audit has become the initial problem that audit profession enhance oneself developments. 如何保持审计的独立性已经成为审计行业加强自身建设的首要问题。
Initial discussion on current situation and improved measures of university capital construction project internal audit 浅议高校基建工程内部审计的现状及改进措施
This is Target initial audit of a factory to determine if the factory is acceptable. 这是Target进行的首次验厂,以决定该工厂是否可以接受。
Initial audit and repeat engagement He was daunted by his first date. 初次审计和再度续约首次的约会使他畏怯。
An Initial Probe into the Role of Enterprise Internal Audit in Enterprise Internal Control 企业内部审计对企业内部控制作用初探
There are many factors, of which initial price, earnings per share and accounting firms responsible for audit are of significant impacts, while the others are not, such as factors of offering volume, dealing volume, gross assets and primary agent and so on. 在众多影响因素中,发行价格、每股收益和受托审计的会计师事务所等三个因素对预测误差的影响显著,发行量、总资产、主承销商等因素的作用不显著。
This article introduces target orientation, superiority and system function of audit software and makes initial exploration on current problems and prospect of audit software. 本文就审计软件的目标定位、优越性、系统功能作了基本介绍,对于审计软件的现存问题及发展前景作了初步探讨。
Along with the production capability development, the request from management to the internal audit is unceasingly changing. The internal audit function also developed from bypast initial financial audit, the management audit develop to the modern management audit and even now the risk guide audit. 随着生产力的发展,经营活动对内部审计的要求在不断变化,内部审计职能也由最初的财务审计、经营审计发展到管理审计,直至现在的风险导向审计。
Initial discussion about carrying out management audit in telecommunication enterprise 电信企业开展管理审计初探
The results of the research indicate that in the initial audit period, furious competition among the accounting firms will results in serious low balling along with the increase of the bidding accounting firms. 结果表明,在初次审计的情况下,随着竞标会计师事务所数量的增多,会计师事务所之间的竞争会导致严重的低价揽客行为。
From the above history, it is showed that the initial establishment of the Audit Committee is to ensure the quality of financial information. 从以上的发展史可以看出,审计委员会的设立最初是为了提高财务信息质量。
The results also suggest that our CPAs lack of professional prudent and risk awareness, audit effectiveness may depend on the correctness of their initial hypothesis and excessive sensitivity to late evidences may lead to excessive audit or audit deficiency. 这也说明我国注册会计师的职业谨慎性和审计风险意识不够,同时,审计质量的高低可能会取决于初始假定的正确性,并且对末尾证据过度的敏感还可能引起审计不足或审计过度。
Meanwhile, people have improved their understanding of network and information system security they have widened and specified the concept of security from the initial firewall to intrusion detection, vulnerability scanning, and network security audit. 人们对于网络和信息系统的安全的认识也在不断地提高,从最初的防火墙概念,到入侵检测、漏洞扫描等,直到网络安全审计,安全的概念在不断拓宽和具体化。